Saturday, January 1, 2011

Quidditch Reporter Checking In!

Hullo, dear Gryffs!  This is FlyKytten, your official Quidditch Reporter, checking in.  Are your needles and hooks warmed up yet?  We want to be ready when the Quidditch Rules are posted, so that GRYFFINDOR can win the Quidditch Cup again this term!

Lions Raw (roar)


First, let me introduce myself.  I am FlyKytten, AKA Rach, Rachel, or RachOwl, and I am a First Year Gryffindor.  I knit, crochet, spin, dye, sew, and embroider, in addition to reading just about anything I can get my hands on.  I will be super busy with school this semester, but I am still planning an OWL, and at least 6 classes per month!  Plus Quidditch, of course!  Yes, I have signed up for St. Mungo's Express.  ;)

I will be posting at least twice a month, with recaps, highlights, and interesting tidbits from Quidditch, along with awesome Quidditch projects from GRYFFINDORS (!) and ideas for your own Quidditch projects.  I will be actively looking for and asking for suggestions, too!

Gryffindor Quidditch Pride

Rock 'n ROAR Gryffindor!  Let's make this term the absolute best!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! With this kind of enthusiasm, and energy, we are sure to take the Cup!!
