Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Come On Now!

Alright, for those of you who haven't heard we're trying to out-post Ravenclaw before the new Winter Common Rooms come up. Now they have 2 of the top posters in the Cup, GazeboGal and soprano1, whom I've met, both lovely ladies. But we have lupingirl, StarKnits, stitchywitchy, naturallyknitty and myself all in the Top 10 posters. We can do this, we have the technology... As of right now,11:14 pm Eastern Time on December 23rd, we have 11862. They have 12449. So we need, gets out calculator "Carry the 2", 588 to get ahead. Now I know some of you have these things call "Real Lives" but we have competition here!
On a side note, as of the last update we've officially pulled into second place for the House sign-ups for next term, but scarlettb also said she took Ravenclaw off the list. That's alright, we rock anyway.
Till next time, ROAR!


  1. :scoffs: getting more posts than Ravenclaw is waaaaay more important than real life!
