Monday, December 30, 2013

Gryffindor Study Halls

As the castle is being prepared for the new term, the new study hall threads have appeared! I know I'll be taking advantage of these threads to reach goals this term, get shiny badges, and feel the love and camaraderie of fellow Gryffindors. If you're interested in a thread, be sure to watch it so you can keep track of it once term starts.

Charity Hat Challenge

Like knitting hats? Like giving to charity? This is the thread for you! There is a fabulous list of charities and free hat patterns to choose from, and a whole bunch of people who have a lot of experience knitting hats for charity. Over the course of Fall 2013 term, the Charity Hat group managed to make 270 hats to donate! Let's all hope they have as much success this winter, and keep the thread in mind if you have a few days and a class that needs a turn in. These were part of adevinelife's Potions OWL last term, all of which she donated.

Destash Study Hall

If you've recently found yourself trying to hide yarn behind the books on your bookcase and pass it off as cushioning to protect the glasses in the kitchen cupboards, the destash study hall might be the place for you. Find stash busting patterns, take a vow to use stash or even go cold sheep, and flash your current stash (for a badge!) here. One participant, mio, has vowed to use stash for her Potions OWL and charity blankets for classes. Not surprising given this is just her charity stash:

Sock Study Hall

Whether you're making your 1st sock or 100th sock, you can show them off here. Free for the taking are links to help a beginner, beloved free sock patterns, not-so-free but highly recommended sock patterns, and badges for honoring three classic Gryffindor classmates. Filled with both new sock knitters and experts, this is the place to come for help with a sock, from actual knitting to fitting it into a class turn in. A favorite of KnitInferno is the Bellatrix socks she knit recently.

Spinning and Dyeing

The spinning and dyeing study hall has links for beginners, as well as for more advanced spinners and dyers. There are also some very nice badges and suggestions to fit spinning and dyeing into classes each month. Gryffindor's resident spinning and dyeing expert, kmroberton dyed yarn and knit it into a Trillian, a good way to make yarn work double for classes!

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